About the size of a pigeon’s egg, the drop shaped pearl was discovered in the 1500s in the Gulf of Panama. One of the most famous natural pearls is the 50.56 carat (ct) La Peregrina. Some 19 th century Arab physicians maintained that pearl powder improved eyesight, quieted nervous tremors and eased depression. In Asia, pearls were believed to help alleviate indigestion and hemorrhages. In the ancient Sanskrit text the Atharvaveda, pearls were said to bestow long life and prosperity. The pearl birthstone was also thought to have beneficial properties. So it may be said that the June birthstone meaning is "sweet simplicity." As such, pearls were traditionally given as a wedding gift.

Pearls have long been associated with purity, humility and innocence. These cultured pearl birthstones come in a dazzling array of sizes, colors and shapes. Thousands of years of pearl fishing have decimated the natural pearl beds, so cultured pearls account for the vast majority of pearl sales today. Cultured pearls are raised in pearl farms – saltwater or freshwater operations where the mollusks are cleaned, protected from predators and eventually harvested. The mollusk covers the irritant with nacre, just like a natural pearl. Technicians implant a piece of mantle tissue alone (common for freshwater cultured pearls) or with a mother-of-pearl shell bead (all saltwater) into a host mollusk. Cultured pearls are a product of human intervention. Natural pearls form when the mollusk secretes a substance called nacre around an irritant such as a piece of sand or a parasite that has invaded its shell. Pearls are organic gems that grow inside the tissue of a living saltwater or freshwater mollusk (either an oyster or a mussel). Christopher Columbus and his contemporaries thought that mollusks formed pearls from dew drops. The Chinese fancied that the June birthstone came from the brain of a dragon. Ancients from the Middle East believed that pearls were teardrops fallen from heaven. The origin of pearls fascinated our forebears. It is a timeless wardrobe staple, beloved by women of all ages. This enchanting June birthstone originates from oceans, lakes and rivers around the world. Comprehensive CAD/CAM For Jewelry Certificate